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What information does Sycamore contain?

Sycamore contains important information including News, School Calendars, Student and Faculty Directories, Student Grades and much more! Forget Sycamore Password? Reset Your Password 1. Click HERE to access the Sycamore login screen 2. Click the Reset Your Password link (under Username, Password and Language boxes) 3.

What is the BCA Parent Portal?

Welcome to the BCA Parent Portal! Sycamore - BCA's information management system website. NOTE: You must have your own personal login to access Sycamore. Sycamore contains important information including News, School Calendars, Student and Faculty Directories, Student Grades and much more! Forget Sycamore Password? Reset Your Password 1.

Why should you support BCA?

Please take 6 minutes to view this special word from our student council president, Nick Clark. Your financial support of BCA between now and December 31 will help us meet our financial obligations that include the purchase of a new bus as well as growing our early education resource program.

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